Everything you want to know but are afraid to ask...
Everything you need to bring is explained here
- Dr AUBERT speaks fluent French, English and Spanish
- And (…if you accept to speak slowly and with short sentences!!), he can also speak a bit of Turkish.
- Don’t worry, you’re perfectly entitled to come for a preliminary medical examination: Dr AUBERT will open an e-medical file for you, and you’ll send the number to IRCC.
- Dr AUBERT is equipped with “E-MEDICAL” software and will take a picture of you. There is no need to bring a picture.
- AUBERT is usually very punctual for canadian immigration medical examination (IME): his exam lasts about 20 minutes.
- The laboratory is very close, the blood test and the urine analysis take about 20 minutes
- The radiologist is a little further away, the X-ray is about 20 minutes long
- Including the travel between places, you will need about 1 hour 15 minutes for the whole procedure. For safety, add a quarter of an hour: 1 hour 30 minutes.
- If your file does not pose any problem, your canadian immigration medical examination will be validated 7 days after your medical consultation, at the latest. This time limit may be reduced in case of emergency (see below). Anihow, as soon as your file is approved, you’ll receive a confirmation by mail. You will check it has been received by IRCC (Immigratin, Refugees and Citizenship Canada)
- If the deadline was given to you by the immigration services, no worries: the deadline is the date of the consultation with Dr. AUBERT, not the date on which the file is validated
- If you are required to leave by a specific date, let Dr. AUBERT know: it is almost always possible to reduce the time needed to validate your file (especially if there is no medical problem). Dr. AUBERT, the laboratory, the radiologist and the Canadian medical services will do their utmost to allow you to leave on time!
- The IME is valid for one year from the date Dr. AUBERT validates your IMM 1017 file
- Not at all! The requested exams do not require you to fast. Keep in mind though that there will be a urine test, so if you have an empty bladder, you will need to drink a large glass of water before the lab test
- In case of pregnancy:
- If your departure is urgent, Dr. AUBERT will suggest that you have a chest x-ray with a lead apron X-Ray protection for your abdomen, which will protect your unborn child from virtually all of the c-arm radiation exposure so there is no need for extra concern
- If your departure is not urgent, we will postpone the radiological examination and you will have it done after the delivery. Your file will remain open until then, but it can only be validated after the X-ray has been performed
- In case of pregnancy:
- Where possible, try to come outside of your menstrual period. Otherwise, blood might be found during the urine examination. If this is not possible, or in the event of an unforeseen problem, do not cancel your appointment: simply report it to DR AUBERT, he will explain the procedure to you. It’s a small problem that has a solution!
- No vaccination (not even COVID) is required for a visa to enter CANADA
- For children under the age of 4, Dr. Aubert will only do a clinical examination of the child
- From 5 to 10 years old, the child will also have a urine examination at the laboratory (but no blood test or X-ray)
- From 11 to 14 years old, the child will have a chest x-ray (but no blood test)
- For children aged 15 and older, children are treated as adults (clinical examination, urine examination, chest x-ray)
- The costs of examination according to age are listed here
- In the vast majority of cases, yes! Don’t worry!
- The Canadians only ask that if you have a chronic pathology (for example hypertension, diabetes, heart failure, asthma, coronary disease, respiratory failure, etc.), it has already been investigated in France, and that you are being treated for it if necessary
- Your immigration may be put into question only if you have an illness that is very expensive to treat (for example, kidney failure requiring dialysis). This is a very, very rare occurrence
- The reasons that may prevent your immigration are listed here: https://www.canada.ca/en/immigration-refugees-citizenship/services/application/medical-police/medical-exams/requirements-temporary-residents.html
- If you have a medical condition, please bring all the documents you have, including prescriptions, recent complementary exams and any relevant document you can think of
- AUBERT will read them, and will add them to your file, should they be relevant
- After Dr. Aubert has sent your file, Canadian authorities may require additional documents to better understand your medical situation. In that case, you will receive an email from the Canadian authorities a few days after your file has been sent.
- It may happen that additional examinations or letters from specialists are requested by the Canadian authorities, after Dr. Aubert’s examination.
- You will not have to go back to see Dr AUBERT: he will explain to you by email what is necessary, and your subsequent exchanges will be done exclusively via email.
- Any additional examinations that may be requested by Canadian authorities will be reimbursed by the French health insurance.
- Whatever happens, Dr. AUBERT will never ask you for any additional fees. No matter how complex your case is, no matter how long the procedure may be, the fees incurred on the day of your first visit to Dr Aubert mean that the procedure will be completed and the report delivered.